Dear Members, all are most cordially invited to the annual family gathering of GCF Members on the 08 July 2023. Please make sure all are present as it is an opportunity to meet everyone as time to elect the new leadership team.
20th Dec 2020 would be an important date for GCUK as there will be a small function organized virtually to unveil official its website.
20/12/2020: GCUK family Virtual Christmas Carole in the evening. The carol singing would be lead by the gifted singers who are members of the charity. Everyone is invited.
The members should take upmost care to emulate the guidelines provided by the government in containing the spread of the virus.
Help is around the corner as the light is seen at the end of the tunnel. The vaccine is being rolled out and what a great achievement to what has been the greatest disruption to normal human life in more than a century.
GCUK is all about family and fraternity and what a nice way to celebrate this Christmas by sharing a little gift, especially relevant to show the resilience during this very difficult time.
A nice way to say thank you to all during this festive time. You have been incredible. A Merry Christmas to you all and a Prosperous, Covid free New Year 2021.